One Act of Kindness

It is interesting to see how one act of kindness can change path for the whole family. This family is looking for brighter side of life. I joined Engineering in 2007 by paying tuition fee from savings by my father. Rs 20000 as fees was a big amount for us. I had a bigger dreams. I wanted to get a computer to learn as i was in computer science branch. Yet, I could not afford it then. 2008 turned out to be worst year for me personally. 08-08-2008 never turned out be magic number for my family. My father expired in the month of August,2008. Well i was looking at non completion of engineering and to support family some how. I had applied for Vidya Poshak through a referral and got the scholarship amount from which I could pay part of my fees. Rest i got some more scholarships from religious communities and other individual help.

Vidyaposhak provided facilities like Books came to my rescue. I could read , read and read most of the time. End of the semester we used to give back the books. Interesting thing was to write letter to donors which instilled in us to responsibility we carry towards society as a whole. Vidyaposhak had become like a family to me. Librarian used on check on our performances each semester and used to motivate us throughout. We could connect vidyaposhak’s social network and ask questions.

With such vision to educate people like me , VP is reaching new heights and I can confidently say “Financial crisis will never be a barrier for completion of education ”

I would like to thank and invite you to be part of some thing amazing which is changing lives of people through education in India.

Vidyaposhak is a NGO based out of Dharwad, Karnataka. Please leave comment if you wish to be part of this revolution either by becoming a Donor or Volunteer.

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Thank You, Vidya Poshak !!!!…

Grauduation and Life

There is a saying , “If you would create something,you must be something”. I remember meeting up with all my friends at College Graduation day. Steve jobs in one of the graduation speeches said ” Stay Hungry and Stay Foolish”. He always said keep looking and don’t settle down.We never know when we find the most exciting things in our lives and put our whole heart and energy into it. And some day we could achieve the great success we deserve.

While the award ceremony was going on I found many people happy because they had a great job in their hand and life is just passing by. There were other people just showing their little smile and being little wise. There were other people who were there physically, not with all the heart because they neither had job nor willing to get one. Being one among them was a great rejoice. I met them with all my heart and wished every one a great success. I could learn at least one thing from each person. Every one gave me a signal ” Life is going on man!! “. Wondering where I would land up with all the unimaginable obstacles curling me up , I had this weird feelings inside me that made me cry within.

On the journey way back we were discussing what can be done in near future to make ourselves capable of being recognized in the society and finding that great excitement in our life. I always wanted to be great speaker and good member of the family by helping in terms of finance , emotional support and all other things that every person thinks of. I along with my friends came up with lot of ideas on what can be done. At that time I felt, if there is a situation that is constantly challenging dreams , Ambitiousness and Patience Then, Here I am to face it literally hard.For me graduation was a new start . That gave me motivation to move ahead , leave all the things from the past and start a fresh. A Great Feeling !!!!!!!!

On Looking back , I feel the same today. Fresh ideas, fresh goals and memorable achievements. ” If you can dream it , You can do it”. Lets start doing some thing that has real value. Meet one person daily and make his day memorable one. Lets work on a cause that benefits many people in the society.With the tools and technology available to us today, we can achieve any thing literally. For example, we could create an app for making cancer patients knowledgeable about the disease.

One thing that you can take back from this small article is “There are always opportunities in our life where we can make difference. But its all about our perspective towards the opportunity”.

“I am Busy” Syndrome

You feel like you don’t have time for yourself.Your calendar shows a list of meetings to attend.Your girl friend/Boy friend tells you “Your life is crazy!!!”. These are the few symptoms of “I am Busy” Syndrome. Are you the one ?

Lately, whenever i talk to people at various places one thing that pops up is busy lifestyle. Some people think being busy is the definition of success in life and career.Although this might be helping them move up the ladder, but with constant overwork and overwhelmed has negative impacts. Being busy implies stress.Our body has a limit on how much it can take stress. After hours stress gets converted to Panic.

Below are the few gifts that we get from stress

Health problems that can be caused by stress:
-Anxiety disorder
-Autoimmune disease flare-ups
-Heart disease
-Increased cancer risk
-Irritable bowel syndrome
-Memory loss
-Panic disorder
-Sleep disorders
-Weight gain

I have some tips on how to manage everyday life.

1. Prioritize

Start Prioritizing work as it helps to finish up the tasks which you can handle faster.

2. Think about long term benefits

Stress will have lot of problems in coming years. Its said to be a “Silent Killer”. Whats the point in earning and not being healthy?Start thinking “How can i finish the task which will have less impact on long term health issues”. It can be as simple as installing Eye Pro software to keep your eyes wet.

3. Get enough sleep

It is believed that when we sleep less than 6 hours a day, we slow down our brain. We lose a sense of sparkle in thinking creatively. In studies, fully rested people show lots of activity in that part of the brain, while the sleep-deprived show little to no activity. And when our brains get slow on the draw, we get less efficient at work.

4. Exercise

Exercising is  a great stress reliever.It can be as simple as walking for half an hour daily.


I hope above tips will help improve your BUSY lifestyle. Comments on  how are you handling stress ?

Gossips!! A great way to learn from others

If you are in a position where you are feeling I gossip too much and talk non sense all the time well a research says that you are well ahead of others in some field or have great knowledge. Isn’t it ?  This gossip always helps us to learn from others and provide a  great insight towards our well being. Recently I had met a person who was sharing his opinion about what connecting with people means to us .He ended up saying we need to build that social bondage which can happen only when we talk.

Well lets bring together the advantages of Gossiping.

1) . Gossips are not restricted to any age group: It always attracts people to talk on some thing , making sure we also know some thing as well as breaking the ice among people.

2) . Gossiping Helps You Change: If you keep hearing non-constructive  stuff about you (all the time), which helps you to re-examine your attitude because in every gossip, there is lot of truth. Most people have mended their ways because they were not getting positive feedback from gossiping neighbours, club members, co-workers etc . That’s cool right !!!

3).  Helps You Relieve Stress: Having a  gossip with a friend can actually help you unwind because believe it or not, talking behind other people’s backs can be quite enjoyable.

They are awesome isn’t it ?  On the other hand, we have lot of  cons.

1 ) . Wasting time if the topic has nothing to do with you .

2).  Unhealthy  rumours always propagate faster than the domain names in the internet !!! .

So think twice before you  gossip.

Share your gossip experiences in comment section.

Note :

A study published online recently in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that the way people gossiped in four experimental settings led to constructive outcomes. Researchers from UC Berkeley used the term “prosocial” gossip to describe people warning about deceitful behaviour observed in others. It’s different from the type of rumor mongering we do when we talk about the bad behaviour of celebrities, although let’s not count that out as a good time.